Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Opportunity Knocks - Getting the 2PR FM Word Out!

Waking in the early Monday morning darkness, I was listening to an AM news radio station.  Though very, very briefly, they mentioned the Carers NSW expo in Martin Place.  My mind immediately fired up and went ummmmmm!.   Carers....... and disabilities........ and an opportunity.  An opportunity to speak to people who know and understand the issues of those with a handicap, and ultimately know the struggles, and the fact that these issues are hush hushed on Sydney's mainstream media.  It was my chance to get the word out about 2PR FM's licensing petition, and well..... it was a pretty good day.

The weather was fantastic - heaven on a stick with the cool spring breezes, and the atmosphere was enjoyable and exuberant.  It was casual, which made it easy for me to fit in, speak to people, and discreetly promote 2PR FM without being a nuisance.  Everyone I met was interested, and many brochures about our petition where distributed amongst the crowd.
There has also been a fresh article in the St George Leader relating to the Department of Broadband and Communication's uncompromising stance.  This is no longer just a letter telling me no, but now a government department's obstinacy in the full glare of the media.  With this in mind, coupled with my petition, I would feel that it would be in Malcolm Turnbull's best interest to address our radio license issue sooner rather then later.   I think from his view, allowing such a station to flourish would be a constructive step toward recognising those with a disability.  This would highlight Australia in a positive light, something that would create positive hope, such as the Specialists company in Denmark.

"We as disability people have the same right to express our views, and enjoy the same level of income that a commercial radio station can offer.  This seems to be a very simple concept, yet those in power want to deny us this opportunity". 

It is very interesting to note that the political environment at present is rather fragmented.  This is with the lower house and the senate on two totally different wave lengths - well until July next year anyway.  With a different picture of representation in the Parliament, this may possibly reveal some cracks in the existing political party structure.  This potentially could get us a road in to being heard, particularly with a number of minor parties holding the balance of power.

As noted on numerous other occasions, 2PR FM is an established concept that's been operating since 2000.  With press coverage going back so far, it's rather obvious that we are NOT just a backyard station, or an overnight fun gig.  What does it take to get this message through to the powers who decide these issues?  The overwhelming interest that I encountered yesterday at the NSW Carer's expo, again demonstrates the strong need for such a station.